SAFED: “Safety, Fire & Design: Simulation for Fire Safety Training-SAFED”

KA202: Asociaciones Estratégicas
11/19 – 10/21

SAFED project aims to improve the preparedness and work safety of firefighters for future crises, emergencies, national catastrophes by developing an innovative e-training program based on a successfully tested and implemented simulation model coupled with state of the art scientific knowledge and based on capability gaps as these will be identified from a comprehensive needs analysis in 3 countries: Spain, Greece and Cyprus.

The challenges that firefighters face today are ever-changing due to the complexity of the incidents and the increased demands for service. Fire services need firefighters who can evaluate critical issues under complex conditions and make fast&reasonable judgments reflecting on scientific knowledge & experiences to reduce the chance of error. Thus, it is of paramount importance to provide more and varied training and find new & improved ways to train firefighters which optimize the fidelity of actual task performance, while minimizing physical danger & monetary costs.